Our Services
Nursing homes can be helpful and have their place but there is no place like home. Home is a place to feel safe and warm surrounded by the memories that make up a lifetime. Home is the foundation of our lives, a symbol of our families and friends. It’s a personal sanctuary of comfort and familiarity. Home is the one place where we can truly be ourselves.
Benefits of Home Care
- Home care is delivered at home
- The person receives personalised, one-on-one care
- Home care encourages older people to maintain their independence
- Home care is often the first choice of seniors – very few people choose to be placed in a nursing home unless it’s the only place they can receive the care they need
- Tax relief of up to 40% is available on home care fees. We can explain how to claim tax relief and how to apply for a home care grant.

Home care is a very personal and intimate type of care. A Professional Home Care Assistant in the home will deliver one-on-one care and will provide care that matches the needs of the person. There is no waiting for help with activities of daily living that does happen in an institutionalised care setting. A Professional Home Care Assistant spends quality time with the person and is readily available
One person caring about another represents life’s greatest value.
Giving your loved one the freedom to stay at home also allows you to maintain your lifestyle while ensuring that your loved one is receiving the perfect amount of care in their home. Staying close to memories and familiar surroundings can make ageing a much more calming, soothing process – something everyone agrees with.
Whether you are looking for short term respite, or long-term home care we are happy to meet with you at a time that suits you and your family. We appreciate your time and look forward to helping you turn this difficult decision into one that will change your life for the better. You should be confident that you are making the right choice not only for your parent, relative or friend, but for you and your family as well.